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Fortune or misfortune of civil servants

luyued 发布于 2011-01-03 20:13   浏览 N 次  
beats by dre When Wei Zhihua solemnly said, "We are living in a middle-class 'sense of happiness and self-worth crisis era'", if there is relative calm, said a group of people, that is, the civil service groups. Sociology of the CASS Postdoctoral Xingzhan Jun coastal province had the happiness of major social groups detailed research. The results showed that the workers, peasants, civil servants, dr dre beats state enterprise managers, intellectuals, emerging groups and urban poor groups of seven comprehensive well-being ranking, the highest happiness of civil servants, followed by new groups and intellectuals in the city; and happy sense of the lowest urban poverty groups, followed by farmers. From the direction of view, the level of the Chinese people happiness and positive relationship monster beats between income levels into basic, the urban poor, farmers and workers well-being significantly lower than in the middle and wealthy class; 浣?in several groups of middle and high income levels within this characterization is not obvious. This of course reflects the Government's livelihood and social security in the absence, no significant revenue base of people is difficult to talk about feelings of happiness; on the other hand also shows, the way monster headphones to meet the pursuit of material well-being, to a certain social group remains valid only when the group reaches a certain level of income, the effect is no longer obvious. Civil servants to talk about "happiness", he was a bit helpless. "Admitted to the civil servants are not so beautiful as the outside world to imagine that someone hip hop beats is fighting for the cause, quit, my 8 years as one day leading a white-collar wage levels, did not rise over the post did not transfer over Kong, now or in the bottom of Division Members. "Yang Mai is a civil servant can be described as glancing header career. "No riches, but also hungry. You do not use the impetuous, not quite so worked hard to pull its weight. Can only slow down, take your time. Not too high expectations, less disappointment and anxiety moncler.