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luyued 发布于 2011-03-08 21:03   浏览 N 次  

Recently, a friend of my childhood invited me to go to his home for dinner . When I was arrived his house , he let me make dinner for them and I'm glade to do .After dinner , he talked to me .

"I was married and my wife has been pregnant. I'm so happiness. I want to share the happiness with you because of our deeply friendship . I hope you will happiness . " He said . I was thinking this question for two days and have the completion . I found that I was so afraid to think this question that when I thought it ,I feel so scared . It's a question for two family's combination and we are so young that we did't have any plant . In other words , we did't have the capital for marry .

Marriage isn't so simplicity for our imagination , It related for matetial such as money, meter , oil , salt , house,and so on . It's related for support parent's . Especially for us , we are single child in the family , so when we married , we have to support four olders and when we have a chuild , it's a big burden press our shoulders.

It's so expensive for us to buy a house in the city in China , the rate of house loans is increasing , and the price of the house is becoming more and more expensive . Our income only for our life outcome , when can we could have a house ?
