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Samsung Group Quintiles Plan $266 Million Venture to Make Bi

luyued 发布于 2011-04-19 02:47   浏览 N 次  

  • Samsung Group, Quintiles Plan $266 Million Venture to Make Biologic Drugs三星集团和昆泰计划耗资2.66亿美元组建生物制药合资公司

By Jun Yang - Feb 25, 2011 4:02 PM GMT+0800

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Samsung Group, the South Korean company whose businesses range from electronics to ship-building, will partner with Quintiles Transnational Corp. to make biologic drugs as it seeks new businesses to drive growth.韩国公司三星集团将与昆泰跨国公司合作组建生物制药公司,以期寻求新的业务增长点。三星集团的业务涵盖广泛,从电子产品到轮船建造。

The venture, with 300 billion won ($266 million) in capital, will begin building a plant in the Songdo district of Incheon, near Seoul, in the first half of the year, Samsung Group said today. It will contract-make medicines made from living cells, and Samsung Group plans to expand into producing copies of biologics including Rituxan, the leukemia and lymphoma treatment sold by Roche Holding AG and Biogen Idec Inc.三星集团今天称,合资公司将耗资3000亿韩元(2.66亿美元),计划在京今年上半年在首尔附近的仁川市松岛区开始建设工厂。工厂将合同生产来源于活性细胞的药物,而三星集团计划拓宽其产品线至生物药品,其中包括罗氏集团和生物基因艾迪克公司的治疗白血病和淋巴细胞瘤药物利妥昔单抗。

The investment will help Samsung Group, South Korea’s largest industrial group, tap a market that boasts 5 of the world’s 10 bestselling medicines. The Seoul-based group may exceed its target to generate 1.8 trillion won a year by 2020 from biopharmaceuticals because of the demand for those medicines, Executive Vice President Kim Tae Han said.该项投资将会帮助韩国最大的工业集团三星集团进入生物制药市场,目前全球10大畅销药品中有5个是生物药品。三星集团总部位于韩国首尔,其执行副总裁金泰韩(Kim Tae Han)称,基于生物药品的需求,三星集团到2020年的年销售额将达到1.8万亿韩元,超过其既定目标。

“Biopharmaceuticals are a globally hot market,” Shin Ji Won, an analyst at Mirae Asset Securities in
