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What measures to move the U.S. economic growth

luyued 发布于 2011-02-09 23:43   浏览 N 次  
What measures to move the U.S. economic growth What measures to move the U.S. economic growth U.S. President Obama on January 22nd in his weekly radio address TV, says he will #x published on the Hotel lock 25th annual state-of-the-union address key talk about economic issues, including the U.S. government will be more policy creation, protect jobs, will continue to adopt what measures to move the U.S. economic growth. Improve U.S. long-term economic competition will become Obama future economic policies of the new key and dominate its union of bigger space.

The above statement shows that, in office at the beginning of the us economic recovery will "leading" as under primary task, aim at re-elected Obama also will continue over the next Hotel lock two years played the "economic" brand. However,青岛婚纱摄影, money is red continuous accumulation and government spending cuts ineffectively, will make barack Obama union when facing the challenges from the United States congress.

Obama said in its first four years more than half of the U.S. economy and the steady degree is two years ago has very powerful: economy has started to increase, the stock market and corporate profits also has rise; However, by the national unemployment remains at 9% high, he stressed that the Hotel lock union will emphasize "ensure that the #x U.S. economy make every American citizens benefit, make all American families benefit". Topics related articles:
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