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Chapter 14 The Civilization of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的文明(下)

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Philosophy and Science in the Italian Renaissance 意大利文艺复兴时期的哲学和科学

The common impression that the Renaissance represented in every way a marked improvement over the Middle Ages is not strictly true. Such was especially not the case in the field of philosophy.


The early philosophers of the Italian Renaissance rejected Scholasticism, which had given a very high place to the use of human reason, and took delight in a mass of childish superstitions and mystical childish acts. Since the Scholastics had made Aristotle their intellectual god, the majority of the early humanists decided to go back to Plato.


The leaders in this movement were such men as Gemistus Plethon (1355-1450), Marsiglio Ficino (1433-1499), and Pico Della Mirandola (1463-1494), most of whom were members of the Platonic Academy founded by Cosimo de Medici.

这场运动的领导人们是像Gemistus Plethon(1355—1450)、Marsiglio Ficino(1433—1499)和Pico della Mirandola(1463—1494)这样的人物,他们大多是柏拉图学院的成员,该学院是由科西莫·德·美第奇创立的。

Unfortunately the Platonism of these men was not the pure kind at all. The greater number of it was made up of the Neo-Platonist teachings of Plotinus together with various mythological additions which had been accumulated throughout the Middle Ages. The exponents of this philosophy were as blindly uncritical as any medievalist in his devotion to Aristotle, in following what they believed to be the teachings of Plato. Indeed, one of the great aims of the Academy was to reconcile Platonism and Christianity and by that means to build a new faith in which worship of the pagan past would agree to the promise of a life to come that could be equally controlled.


Pico della Mirandola went one step farther and urged a universal religion composed of a mixture of Platonism, Christianity, and the Jewish Kabbala, that fantastic compound of magic, numerology, and mysticism which had been elaborated mainly by followers of Philo and the Neo-Pythagoreans from the pre-Christian era to the end of the Middle Ages.

Pico della Mirandola走得更远一步,他极力主张一种普遍的宗教,由下列混合而成:柏拉图主义、基督教、犹太人希伯来教义(犹太原旨主义者神秘教义的一种集合体,常基于对希伯来圣经的神秘解说)、魔法巫术的奇幻混合、数字命理学(研究数字的超自然含义和它们对人的生活假定的影响的学科,根据出生日期等数字来解释人的性格或占卜祸福)、已经主要是被Philo的追随者们和新毕达哥拉斯主义者们从前基督教时代到中世纪末所详尽阐述了的神秘主义。


柏拉图并没有发明带有他名字的术语或概念,但他的确将性欲看作更高层次爱的根源。文艺复兴时期柏拉图的信徒马尔西利奥·菲奇诺,交替地使用术语 amor socraticus和 amor platonicus表示为上帝之爱准备的两个人之间的爱。按照菲奇诺的用法,Platonic(已作为一个形容词在英语中出现,描述与柏拉图有关的事物,首次记录于1533年)逐渐被用来指异性之间的精神恋爱。在我们这个世纪,Platonic已用于指同性伙伴之间的关系。尽管这个词的概念是高尚的,但这个术语可能被更多地应用于一些方式,并导致塞缪尔·理查森让他的小说《帕美勒》中的人物说:“我确信,而且一直确信,柏拉图式恋爱是柏拉图的胡言乱语”

But not all the Italian humanists were crazy worshipers of Plato. Some in their zeal for a revival of pagan culture sought to reawaken an interest in Aristotle for his won sake and not as a strong support of Christianity. Others became Stoics, Epicureans, or Skeptics. The most original philosophers of the Italian Renaissance were Lorenzo Valla, Leonardo da Vinci, and Niccolo Machiavelli.

但是,并不是所有的意大利人文主义者都是柏拉图的狂热崇拜者。一些人有着为复兴异教徒文化的热情,寻求重新唤醒对亚里士多德的兴趣,这是为了他自己的好处,而不是作为对基督教的有力支持。其他人变成了斯多葛派、信奉伊比鸠鲁学说的享乐主义者、或怀疑主义派(古希腊怀疑主义学派,尤指埃利斯的皮浪学派成员(公元前360?-272?))。意大利文艺复兴最起源的哲学家们是Lorenzo Valla、达·芬奇和尼克尔·马基雅维利。

The fearless and sensational attempts of Lorenzo Valla into the field of historical criticism have already been noted. He was not equally obedient as a philosopher. Declaring himself a follower of Epicurus, he admitted the highest good to be peaceful pleasure, strong disapproved of asceticism as completely useless and worthless, and insisted that it is irrational to die for one’s country.

Lorenzo Valla在历史批判主义领域勇敢无畏的、令人激动的努力已经很著名了。作为一个哲学家,他并不同等地屈服。他宣称自己是伊比鸠鲁的追随者,他承认最高级的善是和平宁静的快乐,强烈反对禁欲主义,认为那完全无用和不值得,并坚持为国家而死是不理智的。

Although Leonardo da Vinci wrote nothing that could be called a philosophical essay, he may yet be considered a philosopher in the true sense of the world; for he was one of first to disapprove firmly of the reliance upon authority as a source of truth and he urged the use of the reasoning method. It may be worthwhile also in these troublous times to write down his severe criticism on war, which he called “that most cruel madness”. He wrote that “it is an infinitely cruel thing to take away the life of a man”, and he even refused to disclose the secret of one of his inventions for fear it might be used by careless rulers to increase the cruelty of war.


Niccolo Machiavelli is by far the most famous —— and also the most infamous —— political philosopher of the Italian Renaissance. No man did more than he to overturn the basic political doctrines of the Middle Ages, especially the ideas of limited government and the ethical basis of politics. He frankly admitted his preference for having complete power as necessary to solidify and strengthen the state, and he expressed his deepest disregard for the medieval idea of a moral law limiting the authority of the ruler.


For him, the state was an end in itself. The supreme obligation of the prince should not move back from adopting them. No considerations of justice or mercy or the holiness of agreements should be allowed to stand in the way. Cynical in his views of human nature, Machiavelli thought that all men are caused only by motives of self-interest, particularly by desires for personal power and material success. The head of the state should therefore take nothing for granted as to the loyalty or affection of his subjects. He should assume that all men are his potential rivals and should try hard to play them off one against another for his own advantage.


Machiavelli also rejected the medieval notion that a static society is desirable. He declared firmly, on the contrary, that a state must either expand and develop or undergo the certainty of decay.


In spite of the blaming words that have been heaped upon Machiavelli for his unmoral teachings, he remains a significant figure in the history of political theory. Not only his separation of politics from ethics, but also his suggestion of a positive law created by the state and maintained by physical force, in place of the law of nature, serves to make him the real predecessor of modern conceptions of government. His is significant also as the first important realist in political theory since the time of Polybius. He described the state not in accordance with some lofty ideal but as it actually was in his own day. And it is pitiable fact that the essential parts of his description would fit the official practices of most rulers ever since.


Not only did the narrow attitude of the early humanists in Italy stop the progress of philosophy; it also hindered for some time the advancement of science. The early humanists, as we have seen, were not critically minded. They accepted the authority of the Neo-Platonists with deceivability worthy of the Dark Ages. Moreover, their interests were in art and literature, not in science. Parts of this emphasis may undoubtedly be put down to the fact that the leaders of the Renaissance for some time had only a limited knowledge of Greek achievements. The early pagan revival was mainly a revival of Latin great age. And it will be recalled that the contributions of the Romans to science were very few and mediocre.


But in spite of the unfavorable influence of early humanism, Italy became by the fifteenth century the most important center of scientific discovery in Renaissance Europe. Men from all over the continent came to study in her universities and to profit from the researches of her distinguished scholars. The foundations for nearly every major discovery of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were laid in Italy. Such was notably the case in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, physics, and medicine.


The achievement in astronomy was the revival and proof of the heliocentric theory that is regarding the sun as center. Contrary to the popular opinion, this was the work not of any one man but of several. It will be remembered that the ideas of the sun as the center of our universe had originally been set forth by the Hellenistic astronomer Aristarchus in the third century B.C. But then, some four hundred years later, the theory of Aristarchus had been in the place of the geocentric explanation of Ptolemy. For more than twelve centuries thereafter the Ptolemaic theory was universally accepted conclusion as to the nature of the physical universe. The Romans seem never to have questioned it, and it was adopted as a chief belief by the Saracenic and Scholarstic philosophers.


It was first openly challenged about the middle of the fifteenth century by Niccolas of Cusa, who argued that the earth is not center of the universe. Soon afterward Leonardo da Vinci taught that the earth rotates on its axis and denied that the apparent revolutions of the sun actually occur.


In 1496 the now famous Pole, Nicholas Copernicus, came down into Italy to complete his education in civil and canon law. For ten years he studied in the universities of Bologna, Padua, and Ferrara, adding to his course in the law such subjects as mathematics and medicine. He also acquired an interest in astronomy and studied and worked for some years with the leading professors of that science. Upon returning to Poland he established his own observatory and devoted many weary nights to a study of the heavens. Lacking a telescope, he was able to make only a few observations with crude instruments he had planed for measuring the height and position of the sun and various stars. His conclusion that planets revolve around the sun was based primarily upon mathematical calculations and upon suggestions received from Italian scientists and from the works of ancient astronomers. Fearing the hostility of the church, he refrained from publishing the results of his work until 1543. The proof sheets of his book, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, were brought to him on his deathbed.


The most important astronomical evidence for the heliocentric theory was furnished by the greatest of Italian scientists, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). With a telescope which he had perfected to a magnifying power of thirty times, he discovered the satellites of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, and spots on the sun. He was able also to determine that the Milky Way is a collection of celestial bodies independent of our solar system and to form some idea of the enormous distance of the fixed stars. Though there were many who held out against them, these discoveries of Galileo gradually convinced the majority of scientists that the main conclusion of Copernicus was true.


The final triumph of this idea is commonly called the Copernicus Revolution. Few more significant events have occurred in the intellectual history of the world; for it overturned the medieval world-view and paved the way for modern conceptions of mechanism, skepticism, and the infinity of time and space. Unfortunately it contributed also the decline of humanism and degradation of man, since it swept man out of his majestic position at the center of the universe and reduced him to a mere particle of dust in an endless cosmic machine.


In the front rank among the physicists of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo. If Leonardo da Vinci had failed completely as a painter, his contributions to science would entitle him to everlasting fame. Not the least of these were his achievements in physics. His researches in the fields of hydraulics and hydrostatics went far beyond anything previously attempted. His conclusion that “every weight tends to fall toward the center by the shortest way” contained the important part of the law gravitation. In addition to his accomplishments in pure science he worked out the principles of an astonishing variety of inventions, including a diving boat, a steam engine, an armored fighting car, and a marble saw.


Galileo is especially noted as a physicist for his law of falling bodies. Skeptical of the traditional theory that bodies fall with a speed directly proportional to their weight, he demonstrated by actual test from the leaning tower of Pisa that the distance covered in the fall increases as the square of the time involved. Rejecting the Scholastic notions of absolute gravity and absolute levity, he taught that these are purely relative terms, that all bodies have weight, even those which like the air are invisible, and that in a vacuum all objects would fall with equal speed. While yet mere youth he was led from his observation of a swinging lamp in the cathedral of Pisa to the discovery of the important principle of the equal intervals of the movement. Galileo seems to have broader conception of a universal force of gravitation than Leonardo da Vinci, for he perceived that the power which holds the moon in the closeness of the earth and causes the satellites of Jupiter to circulate around that planet is essentially the same as the force which enables the earth to draw bodies to its surface. He never formulated this principle as a law, however, nor did he realize all of its implications as did Newton some fifty years later.


The record of Italian achievements in the various sciences related to medicine is also an impressive one. As early as the fourteenth century a physician by the name of Mundinus introduced the practice of dissection at the University of Bologna as the only proper source of anatomical knowledge. Somewhat later Fallopio discovered the human products, or Fallopian tubes, and Eustachio described the anatomy of the teeth and rediscovered the tube which makes him known. A number of Italian physicians contributed valuable information to the circulation of the blood. One of them described the valves of the heart, the lung artery, and the aorta, while another located the valves in the veins.

在与医药相关的各类科学中,意大利的成就记录也给人深刻印象。早在十四世纪,一位名叫Mundinus的内科医生,在波洛尼亚大学引入了解剖实践,作为解剖学知识的唯一正确来源。过了一些时候,加布里埃莱·法罗匹(Gabriele Fallopio,1523-1562,意大利解剖学家)发现了人类生殖,或者叫法罗匹输卵管(人和高等哺乳动物雌性生殖系统的一对纤细管子,通过它将卵子从卵巢传递至子宫),巴托洛米奥·埃乌斯塔乔(Bartolommeo Eustachio,1520-1574,意大利解剖学家,现代解剖学创始人,以其对人耳和心脏的描述而著称)描述了牙齿的解剖组织构造,并重新发现了输卵管,这使他著名。大量意大利内科医生为血液循环贡献了有价值的信息。其中一个描述了心脏瓣膜(中空器官或管道,如静脉或动脉血管中的膜状结构,能收紧或关闭以防止通过的体液倒流)、肺动脉和主动脉系统(血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里),而另一个定位了静脉瓣。

Even more significant was the work of certain foreigners who lived and taught in Italy. Andreas Vesalius, a native of Brussels, issued the first careful description of the human body based upon actual investigation. As a result of his extensive dissections he was able to correct many ancient superstitions, including the one about a single incorruptible bone supposed to be the necessary nucleus of the revival of the body. He is commonly considered the father of the modern science of anatomy.

