耶鲁大学公开课:聆听音乐03 教授Craig Wright
luyued 发布于 2011-02-07 18:26 浏览 N 次耶鲁大学公开课:聆听音乐03 教授Craig Wright
half notes二分音符,quarter notes四分音符,musical notation乐谱,verberation敲击声,esoteric form of秘传的
1.It allows the composer to specify rather prescisely what he or she wants to sort of write things out in the form of musical details, so as the result the creator in this Western art of form takes on greater importance than the creator in other cultures where the composer so to speak is more or less anonymous佚名的 and perhaps synonymous混为一谈 with the group as a whole.It allows the composer to loom larger它让作曲家的地位更加突出。
2.It allows us to preserve the work of art它使我们便于保存作品。
流行音乐pop music:jazz爵士,rock摇滚,hip-hop嘻哈,blues布鲁斯蓝调
只有西方文化中有这种prescriptive notation说明性的记谱法。乐谱是西方文化中的第一种图示法graph,出现于10-13世纪.
音乐的两个维度dimensions:Pitch vertically, duration horizontally纵轴音高,横轴时值。
excerpt节选,an adhan圣歌,the Islamic call to worship伊斯兰祈祷,vocal声乐的,nuances微妙变化,Chuck Mangione 查克·曼卓林,a sax solo萨克斯独奏,saxophonist萨克斯风演奏者,saxophone萨克斯风,cadenza华彩乐章,a riff即兴表演,improvisatory即兴的,a thirty-two-bar solo一段32小节的独奏,chord progression和弦进行,We'll sit on the dominant chord for eight beats主和弦占八拍,head charts起调,a lot of freedom of expression很大余地地可自由发挥,a cautionary tale about是以为戒的,
how it affects the way we compose music in the west.and
how it affects the way we perform music in the west.
'Shh'嘘,revivify再现,artistic artifact人工的艺术作品,Indonesian gamelan music印尼加麦兰音乐,swaying back and forth clapping 前后摇摆拍手,Indian sitar music that classical tradition印度经典传统音乐锡塔尔音乐的演奏现场,applauding with the performance with particularly good solo合着一段非常精彩的独奏表演一起鼓掌,在西方人们sort of mummified跟木乃伊似的,rock-still像块石头,pros and cons赞成和反对
whole note全音符,rests休止符=the absence of sound,a dot附点,values音符值,西方文化不喜欢undifferentiated无差别的和disorganized杂乱无章的,psyche心理学家,periodicity一个一个时期,the Renaissance文艺复兴时期,the baroque period巴洛克时期,the classical period古典主义时期,the romantic period浪漫主义时期,convention惯例,grapple with整理
We subdivide these into units of two我们把它们分成两个一组,four is simply a multiplication of two四拍就是两拍的简单相乘,in music the most basic symbol for the beat is the quarter note拍的最基本符号是四分音符。bars or measures小节,superimposing rhythm over top of this basic beat在基本拍的基础上加节奏,clarinet单簧管,six-eight六八拍,a duple meter with a triple subdivision一段两拍节拍伴随一个三拍子的进一步划分,simple meters单节拍,compound meters复节拍,Bulldog斗牛犬,the Yale fight song耶鲁的战歌的作者是Cole Porter 1914耶鲁毕业生,zillion万亿,Tap your foot用脚打拍子,Enlightenment from Lynda琳达给我的启迪,It's in duple meter是二节拍的,It's the bass是低音,二节拍Strong weak strong weak strong weak,三节拍Strong weak weak strong weak weak strong weak weak,unstressed beats非强拍,Notice this would be Harvard would have had a field day with this melody注意,这个旋律足够哈佛要忙活一阵子了,snappy活泼的,syncopation切分音,metrical拍子的,Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁萨克森 Protestant清教徒,repress压抑,downbeat重拍,Can you conduct this?你们能指挥这个吗?,pick up拾音头、唱头,不以重拍开始,以重拍结束,a spiritual宗教音乐,accent重音,Mozart's Fortieth Symphony莫扎特的第四十号交响曲 即g Minor Symphony g小调交响曲,get the score up看到乐谱,range音域,John Srrauss约翰·斯特劳斯,chord changes和弦变化,Chopin肖邦,perseverance勤奋,pure unadulterated genius浑然天成的天才,Maurice Ravel莫里斯·拉威尔,Bolero波莱尔圆舞曲,Hoboken霍博肯剧场, Sheboygan希博伊根剧场,extrapolate from it the beat推算出拍子
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